
Daniel Lemaster – Ad Photography and Business Administration

Hello! My name is Daniel Lemaster. Being raised in Lancaster, PA I grew up around many small businesses including my own family’s, which got me into the idea of owning and operating my own business early in life. Along with this, being from such a small-town area there wasn’t a lot for me to do, and when I was around 14, I started to get into photography as a hobby to pass time and quickly grew in love with it. It is these conditions that set me down the path that I am on today.

In 2021 I received my BFA in Photographic and Imaging Arts with a specialization in Advertising Photography, along with a minor in advertising and public relations, and business administration. Currently, I am pursuing my MBA with a planned graduation of 2022.

My plan is to work towards becoming a Serial Entrepreneur. Having a love and passion for both business and the arts positions me well to balance creativity and structure to come up with new business ideas and to operate them well.


Jordan Fureman, Filmmaker and Marketer

Hello! My name is Jordan Fureman. I am a fourth-year Film Production student at the Rochester Institute of Technology expected to graduate in May of 2021. Along with my BFA in Film Production, I am pursuing a minor in Marketing. I am originally from the small town of Wrightsville, PA, but I am looking forward to traveling to wherever in the world I am able to lend my services. I am hardworking, passionate, and always eager to learn more about Marketing and Filmmaking.

In the field of Marketing, I plan to specialize in social media and internet marketing, which is what the majority of the RIT courses I’ve taken have been focused on. I’ve been in charge of internet marketing for Franklin-Stevens Jewelers for some time, building a functional E-Commerce website that has boosted watch sales, and several social media accounts that have collectively accumulated nearly one thousand followers, allowing the store to have a direct line of interaction with the customer base. I have also directed, shot, and edited a short promotional video for RIT’s Expressive Communication Center, which they have been using to market their services to the RIT community.

During my four years at RIT, I was able to maintain over a 3.8 accumulative GPA while also working as the Director of Production at RIT’s SportsZone Live. I’ve worked there for the past 3 years and have been one of the student managers for almost 2 years. I’ve also aided in many student productions at the School of Film and Animation, as well as many films of my own. Several of which received high regard from my peers and professors.


Gigi Ye – Designer & Marketer

Hello there, my name is Gigi Ye! I am a student at RIT, expected to graduate in May 2021, pursuing a bachelors in Industrial Design and a minor in Business Marketing.

I am originally from Queens, NYC but I look forward to relocating to where the jobs and experiences take me. At RIT, I have worked for FMS Special Events and the Library Archives. These on campus jobs have taught me good customer service skills, processing and organizing materials, and many other tools on the backend of websites.

Now, Industrial Design and Marketing may seem like two very separate occupations, but they actually go hand-in-hand. Through the business courses I have taken, I have learned how to start-up a business, create campaigns and websites, and optimize trends and social media to get people excited about the latest products/services.

My most recent industrial design co-op with Procter & Gamble has provided me with the opportunity to work alongside many professionals in various fields and skills sets. I learned to conduct research and lead user interviews to justify and improve upon my concepts and methods. My design work helped bring ideas to life through storyboarding and illustrations.

In the near future, I hope to continue to improve myself and grow as a designer and an individual. Feel free to check out my resume and portfolio site below!

Check out some of my work! Gigi’s Portfolio

Connect with me! LinkedIn