
Jordan Fureman, Filmmaker and Marketer

Hello! My name is Jordan Fureman. I am a fourth-year Film Production student at the Rochester Institute of Technology expected to graduate in May of 2021. Along with my BFA in Film Production, I am pursuing a minor in Marketing. I am originally from the small town of Wrightsville, PA, but I am looking forward to traveling to wherever in the world I am able to lend my services. I am hardworking, passionate, and always eager to learn more about Marketing and Filmmaking.

In the field of Marketing, I plan to specialize in social media and internet marketing, which is what the majority of the RIT courses I’ve taken have been focused on. I’ve been in charge of internet marketing for Franklin-Stevens Jewelers for some time, building a functional E-Commerce website that has boosted watch sales, and several social media accounts that have collectively accumulated nearly one thousand followers, allowing the store to have a direct line of interaction with the customer base. I have also directed, shot, and edited a short promotional video for RIT’s Expressive Communication Center, which they have been using to market their services to the RIT community.

During my four years at RIT, I was able to maintain over a 3.8 accumulative GPA while also working as the Director of Production at RIT’s SportsZone Live. I’ve worked there for the past 3 years and have been one of the student managers for almost 2 years. I’ve also aided in many student productions at the School of Film and Animation, as well as many films of my own. Several of which received high regard from my peers and professors.