Marina Khachatryan

Marina Khachatryan – MBA student at RIT


Creative marketing professional who thrives in collaborative environments. Experienced in developing multi-channel marketing strategies and utilizing social media to boost brand engagement. Comfortable with taking responsibility in ambiguous situations and effective at ensuring transparent communications to deliver efficient results. 

About myself

My name is Marina Khachatryan, currently, I’m an MBA student with Marketing concentration at Rochester Institute of Technology. My main area of interest is the demand generation for innovative tech companies.

My previous experience is mostly in social media marketing. As a social media specialist, entering a new environment I concentrate on understanding the overall marketing strategy of the company in order to align the social media presence, as well as developing an engaged community of customers. I strongly believe that Social Media Channels should support marketing goals and add value as an important touchpoint. Moreover, regardless of the industry, the high quality of the content is a must, while the messaging should be narrowly focused. My primary goal in community management is to attract customers to interact with the brand through social media, as well as prospects to learn about the brand and develop trust. I also have a successful experience in paid social media marketing, developing cost-effective campaigns and audiences.

Skills: Google Analytics, Facebook Ads Manager, WordPress, Contentful, Salesforce, Animoto, Canva, Photoshop, Video Production, Visual Storytelling, Influencer Marketing

Please connect with me via LinkedIn.

Or download my Resume below.