Raj Murthy

Raj S. Murthy – Scholar, Professor, Consultant

A rare picture of Raj S. Murthy Ph.D. in his home office

Hello there. My name is Raj S. Murthy, most people who know me call me Raj. I am the J.Warren McClure Research Professor in Marketing. I hold a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Specialization – Marketing), a Masters in Business Administration (Management of Information Systems) and a Bachelors in Engineering.

I remain an active business consultant and typically conduct research on topics closely related to quantitative analytics, research methodology and branding. My research has been featured in the Harvard Business Review (2 cases) and MIT’s Sloan Management Review as well as published in top academic journals such as the Journal of Management, Journal of Marketing Management and Business Horizons among others. My consulting engagements across various companies including Sprint, The World Bank, Dun & Bradstreet, Nuance Communications and Cognizant Technology Solutions among others.

I was the recipient of the Eisenhart Award for Outstanding Teaching for AY2015-16, which represents RIT’s highest recognition of exemplary teaching. I strongly believe in a learning-by-doing philosophy. By combining pro-bono projects for local firms in the Rochester and surrounding community, members in classes help local businesses build their online presence and understand their customers better. We have been able to help over 120 local and national businesses grow their firms.

I typically teach several classes all centered around data and analytics. Take a look at my resume below

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