
Daniel Lemaster – Ad Photography and Business Administration

Hello! My name is Daniel Lemaster. Being raised in Lancaster, PA I grew up around many small businesses including my own family’s, which got me into the idea of owning and operating my own business early in life. Along with this, being from such a small-town area there wasn’t a lot for me to do, and when I was around 14, I started to get into photography as a hobby to pass time and quickly grew in love with it. It is these conditions that set me down the path that I am on today.

In 2021 I received my BFA in Photographic and Imaging Arts with a specialization in Advertising Photography, along with a minor in advertising and public relations, and business administration. Currently, I am pursuing my MBA with a planned graduation of 2022.

My plan is to work towards becoming a Serial Entrepreneur. Having a love and passion for both business and the arts positions me well to balance creativity and structure to come up with new business ideas and to operate them well.


Meet Alexander Rohring, New Media Marketing Student

Hi there–nice to meet you! I’m Xander, a 20-year-old studying New Media Marketing at Rochester Institute of Technology, originally from Victor, NY. I’m a hard-working, problem-solving student with a minor in Advertising and Public Relations, returning to RIT in the fall to complete a Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in project management.

My areas of interest include content marketing strategy & generation, social media marketing, copywriting, advertising strategy, and search engine optimization. I have experience working on these types of projects at my work on campus as the social media manager for the RIT Honors Program and at my co-op this past summer working on marketing for Poseidon Systems, a local engineering firm. These have both been rewarding experiences that have helped me develop my skills as a marketer and young professional.

At RIT, I have been inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, an internationally recognized honors society for AACSB accredited business schools. Additionally, this year I was honored to receive the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar award that celebrates the top 1% of undergraduate students at RIT who are able to maintain a high standard of academic excellence while also giving back to their community through civic or volunteer work, conducting research, or being engaged in a co-op or work in their field of study.

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