
Max Braimon – New Media Marketer

Hello! My name is Maxwell Braimon. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors of Science Degree in New Media Marketing with an immersion in PR/Advertising. I grew up in a small town called Dobbs Ferry, NY in Westchester County and transferred to RIT in 2020. I hope to work in the gaming industry in the future because I feel that I am most passionate about that industry. 

I currently work part-time at a catering company in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey when I am home for the breaks. Prior to this job, I was working in retail at stores like Under Armor, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Modell’s Sporting Goods so I am familiar with face to face interactions with customers. In my years of retail experience, I have learned how to interact with customers and close sales which will help me in my future career. Throughout this pandemic, I also assisted my mother with her mask making business while she was out of work. During this time, I processed online orders and made postings of custom pre-made masks on various websites.

If you are interested in contacting me feel free to reach out on my LinkedIn

2 replies on “Max Braimon – New Media Marketer”

Hi Maxwell, it was a pleasure learning about you through this bio, let’s connect soon about networking in today’s job market. Talk soon

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