
Nicholas Renzoni

By: Nick Renzoni 9/13/22

Hello! My Name is Nick Renzoni and I am in my last semester of my Masters in Business Administration at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I also studied my undergrad at RIT in the Saunders College of Business where I received my degree in Management Information Systems in May of 2021.


Taylor Valentino – RIT MBA Candidate

Hello there. My name is Taylor Valentino, and I am excited to be pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration (focusing on Marketing) at Rochester Institute of Technology, located in Rochester, New York.

Growing up in the Rochester area, I was fortunate enough to stay close to family as I accepted my first job upon receiving my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Fresh out of college, I joined a global outsourcing company where I was on the corporate MarComm team where I focused on branding and vertical strategies. This was a great opportunity for me to understand how global branding operates with a large team and allowed me to develop full MarComm strategies for our Healthcare clients.

As much as I enjoyed my experience, I decided to pursue a career with an advertising agency in the area., which is where I am today. Through my role, I was able to work with a variety of insurance agents part of a national brand, to help grow their local marketing and increase their visibility to current and prospective customers. After a few years, I was able to work my way up and now I specifically work with our corporate client to further develop our program offerings to the agents we service regarding their Google Ads, educational and assistance programs, and executional programs. I am very passionate about my current role and have enjoyed feeling like I am making an impact on local businesses on a large scale across the country.

Want to learn more or get to know each other? See the links below to connect with me on LinkedIn or download my resume!

Connect with Taylor on LinkedIn.


Rachel Romaine: IB and MIS Student

Hello! I am Rachel Romaine! I am fourth-year student, double majoring in International Business and Management Information Systems with a minor in Digital Business, at Rochester Institute of Technology.

About Me

I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. I decided to major in business after growing up in a business-oriented environment. My mom is a financial advisor and my older sister works for a private equity firm. I have always been interested in technology as well. Learning about how businesses leverage technology and social media in today’s digital world is very fascinating to me.

In my free time, I love spending time with friends, shopping, traveling, trying new foods, and watching telenovelas (Spanish soap operas). I have been an avid learner of the Spanish language for the past few years and I hope to learn more languages in the future!


I currently serve as the Vice President of Finance of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. Delta Sigma Pi is an international professional business fraternity, where I initiated in November 2020. I truly love being a Brother of DSP because of its three main pillars: Professionalism, Community Service, and Brotherhood. My past work experience includes being a Business Development Representative Intern at Helium Inc during Summer 2021. In this internship, I helped originate over 2,600 leads, collaborated with the COO and Business Development team to help execute commercial deals, and assisted the Marketing team with researching target markets and creating new potential verticals. I also was a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research Assistant at RIT and a Junior International Consultant through RIT Dubai.

I have also been involved in other activities and organizations on campus such as being a mentor to freshmen students through the Saunders College of Business Leadership Academy and serving as President and Secretary in a Special Interest Housing Organization, International House. Being a part of International House since my freshman year has been very beneficial because I have been able to be more culturally competent and enhance my intercultural communication skills.

On a career level, I love working with people from diverse backgrounds. As an International Business major, I love learning about new cultures and traveling. Learning about different perspectives of the world is very eye-opening. Also with my Digital Business minor, I have gained a myriad of marketing skills along with technical skills that are essential in digital marketing.


My career objective is to work for a global company where I can work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and blend my two areas of study, business and technology. I hope to gain more knowledge and enhance my existing skills along the way through hands-on experience. After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree, I will continue on to graduate school and pursue my Master of Business Administration at RIT.

As I enter the workforce, I also want to continue advocating for accessibility and raise awareness about disabilities, especially invisible ones. Being hard of hearing comes with many challenges but educating others about these obstacles is very important to me. I hope to utilize my experiences to drive change within the industry and leave a positive impact on my community.

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and download my resume to get to know me better.

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

John Quincy Adams

Maryn Gochuico: New Media Marketing Student


My name is Maryn Gochuico and I am in my final semester of my New Media Marketing B.S. at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. I’m originally from Princeton Junction, NJ where I grew up playing soccer and running track.

If I’m not working on class assignments, you can find me running, lifting weights, or playing soccer. I enjoy observing the tangible ways in which I improve in my strength and speed, and hope to one day run a marathon!

My RIT Experience

Besides the numerous times I have had to wipe snow off of my car, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at RIT. I can largely attribute my enjoyable experience to the variety of clubs I have been a part of on campus. I am the President of Women’s Club Soccer, a member of Delta Sigma Pi, and a member of Women in Business. Many of my close friendships were made after joining these organizations.

I have also completed an IT Business Analyst co-op with Wegmans Food Markets and an Operations internship with Santander Consumer USA.

Post Graduation Plans

I am eagerly awaiting graduation so I can begin my career with Oracle NetSuite as a Business Development Representative in Austin, TX!


Jen Hill: New Media Marketing Student

Hi there!

My name is Jen Hill and I’m a senior at Rochester Institute of Technology studying New Media Marketing with a minor in Economics.


During my time at RIT, I have been very involved in campus life, and have held multiple leadership positions in campus clubs and organizations. I currently represent the university’s female students as the Women’s Senator in Student Government. I have also held positions as the President of the Mock Trial team, the Vice President of Marketing for Women in Business, the PR & Social Media Chair for RIT College Democrats, and the Treasurer for the Marketing, Advertising, & Public Relations club. 

I have interest and experience working in nonprofit organizations, specifically museums. During the summer of 2021, I worked at Genesee Country Village & Museum as a marketing assistant intern where I worked closely with the Museum’s Director of Communications to assist with creating and tracking promotion materials. 


After graduation, I hope to move on to attend law school and eventually work with nonprofit organizations in advocacy or policy creation.


Amanda Olesky: Product Manager

About Me

Hi! I’m Amanda, and I’m a senior at Rochester Institute of Technology double majoring in Management Information Systems and New Media Marketing with a minor in Psychology!

During my time at RIT…

On campus, I have held a variety of leadership roles including: President of the Business and Technology Professionals club, Co-Founder of the Marketing, Advertising, & PR club, and Public Relations Chair of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Additionally, I am a peer mentor for new students through the Saunders Peer Mentorship Program. I am also an active member of Beta Gamma Sigma – the International Business Honor Society and Women in Business.

I have completed three co-ops during my undergraduate career at Bank of America, Wayfair, and JPMorgan Chase & Co.

After graduation…

I am excited to be starting my career in product management at the Capital One headquarters as an Associate Product Manager in their Product Development Program!


Daniel DeWerth: Marketing Student

About Me

Daniel DeWerth is a third year student at Rochester Institute of Technology. He is currently double majoring in Marketing and Advertising & Public Relations with a plan to get his MBA after his undergrad is completed. Daniel is originally from Cleveland, Ohio, but grew up travelling the world with his family where he grew an appreciation for the various unique cultures on Earth. To fully immerse himself in a new culture, he is studying abroad in Milan, Italy this semester at Politecnico di Milano.

Experience & Aspirations

Throughout my high school and college years, I have found myself creating passions for multiple subjects: Music, Designing, Video Editing, Psychology, and Public Speaking. I have invested much time into these subjects to hone my skills and become a well rounded individual so that one day, I can start a career that allows me to do the things I love and call it a job. I aim to use my knowledge on these subjects to aid in my marketing and advertising career.

With my knowledge in these fields, I am able to effectively communicate a product, idea, event, or situation to investors or a target audience with a video, flyer, billboard, and other means for advertising. I aspire to use my talents to develop both a future employer and myself and create a future beneficial to all.

Want to Connect?


Leo Golia: Marketing and Storytelling

About Me

Hello, my name is Leo Golia (he/him). I am currently in my fourth year at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I am enrolled in the Individualized studies program with concentrations in Marketing and Storytelling at RIT’s School of Individualized studies.


During my college experience, I have served as the Marketing Director for Electronic Gaming Society at RIT since August of 2019 and Director of Promotions for RIT Improv since August of 2020.

Being in these positions, I have been in charge of the Social Media for both of these clubs as well as in charge of distributing and sometimes making the posts. During my time in these roles, I would have to work with a large group of people in order to figure out what kind of post we need and get a quick time line out of the distribution.

When looking back at my time at RIT, I will confidently say that my teamworking and analytical skills improved the most. I have come to enjoy being part of a team and working to together to finish a product. Along with this, I began to like digging deeper into different topics and techniques of both marketing and storytelling. I love researching and figuring out how certain things work in both of these settings.

Interested Positions/ Where I want to go

I have enjoyed my experience in both positions and would like to continue this into a full-time position in marketing. My interested positions would be being part of a larger marketing team or working as a kind of assistant.


The best way to contact me would be through my email. Since I am currently a full-time student, give me 24-48 hours to respond.


Ariel Roberts: New Media Marketing Student

My name is Ariel Roberts and I’m a third-year student at Rochester Institute of Technology. I am people-oriented, ambitious, optimistic, hardworking, and always willing to learn.  Passionate about the intersection of business and the (very saturated) digital world, I’m obsessed with quality and thinking outside of the box.

At RIT I’ve been able to hone my skills including communication, leadership, creative writing, discipline, and more. I have experience in B2B marketing and higher education marketing through various jobs and internships (click “My Experience” to download my resume).

Outside of classes and work, I’m very involved on campus during my free time. I found a true passion in making RIT a better place by facilitating discussions and planning fun events for students of color. In addition to previous executive roles I’ve held, this year I am continuing my passion as the Co-Marketing Director of the ALANA Collegiate Association which represents all students of color on campus.

Another passion of mine is my blog, Ariel’s View. I talk about everything related to mental health and personal growth.

I’m currently looking for a full-time internship for summer 2022. Please feel free to contact me!


Iva Kresic: Management and Marketing Student

About Me

Hi all and thank you for visiting my page! My name is Iva Kresic and I am a senior student at Rochester Insitute of Technology in Zagreb, Croatia. I was born in Dubrovnik, a sunny coastal city in the very south of Croatia, which to you may also be known as “King’s Landing”. I moved to the capital city to pursue my International Business undergraduate degree at RIT, with a double minor in Management and Marketing.

When I started my student journey at RIT, I didn’t exactly know which direction will I go in my third year of college, especially since by the time I was meant to decide, I was becoming interested in both Marketing and Management courses. Unsurprisingly, this is when I decided to make my life much more difficult and go for both! The decision did mean I had to invest a lot more of my time and energy into completing each semester, however, it is the one I don’t regret making since it opened many doors for me and taught me a number of valuable lessons applicable to different aspects of the business world.

During my (almost) four years at RIT, I have gathered professional knowledge and skills in diverse fields that do not necessarily have many touchpoints with the minors that I am pursuing. Having been working in fields of sales, customer service, hospitality, and administration, I have nevertheless developed many skills that can be applied for any job there may be, with an emphasis on soft and communication skills, critical thinking, as well as problem-solving skills.