
Iva Kresic: Management and Marketing Student

About Me

Hi all and thank you for visiting my page! My name is Iva Kresic and I am a senior student at Rochester Insitute of Technology in Zagreb, Croatia. I was born in Dubrovnik, a sunny coastal city in the very south of Croatia, which to you may also be known as “King’s Landing”. I moved to the capital city to pursue my International Business undergraduate degree at RIT, with a double minor in Management and Marketing.

When I started my student journey at RIT, I didn’t exactly know which direction will I go in my third year of college, especially since by the time I was meant to decide, I was becoming interested in both Marketing and Management courses. Unsurprisingly, this is when I decided to make my life much more difficult and go for both! The decision did mean I had to invest a lot more of my time and energy into completing each semester, however, it is the one I don’t regret making since it opened many doors for me and taught me a number of valuable lessons applicable to different aspects of the business world.

During my (almost) four years at RIT, I have gathered professional knowledge and skills in diverse fields that do not necessarily have many touchpoints with the minors that I am pursuing. Having been working in fields of sales, customer service, hospitality, and administration, I have nevertheless developed many skills that can be applied for any job there may be, with an emphasis on soft and communication skills, critical thinking, as well as problem-solving skills.