
James Sheeler – RIT MBA Student

Hello! My name is James Sheeler. While originally from Boulder, Colorado, and Cleveland, Ohio I came to Rochester, New York to get my BFA in Industrial Design and my MBA in STEM.

From a young age, I always enjoyed being creative in both drawing and building. This would ultimately lead me to study design at RIT. However, as I continued through the program, I became increasingly curious about how to sell the products that I was designing. I began to enroll myself in entrepreneurship classes that began to fuel another interest of mine, business. Furthermore, I began entering pitch competitions and business accelerators where I was able to become more comfortable with public speaking. These lessons have increased my confidence in seeing ideas through from the ideation phase to understanding the steps it takes for a product to get to a customer.

After graduation, I look forward to being part of a company where I can continue to apply my skills and interests in design and business. 


EJ Martino – Software Engineer

My name is EJ Martino and I’m a fifth year Software Engineering major at the Rochester Institute of Technology.  I have loved my major coursework, but I didn’t want to limit myself to only technical endeavors in my academic career.  I decided to explore a few interests I discovered during my college years and followed those interests to completing minors in Digital Business as well as American Sign Language and Deaf Cultural Studies.

My Co-Operative Education positions have been the most insightful aspects of my professional development to this point.  I have worked a total of 20 months between Saab Sensis Corporation and Lockheed Martin Corporation in the Greater Syracuse area, and am incredibly excited to be returning to Lockheed Martin upon graduation.  In addition to job specific technical know-how, the most valuable lesson I have been able to take away from these experiences was that the most successful people are the most flexible.  That is why I intend to ensure that I have as much professional experience as possible in any engineering discipline I can get involved in.

After graduation, I will pursue personal projects to foster my development and account for the gap in new experiences that will arise in moving from being a full-time student to being a full-time employee.  I will use these skills to grow as a software engineer in my employment, and be open to all opportunities for advancement in my career.

Find out more about my experiences