Alexa Briggs

Alexa Briggs: RIT MBA Student

My name is Alexa Briggs and I am a current MBA student at RIT. I got my bachelor’s degree in marketing, and decided to go to school for another year and a half to get my MBA. I am looking forward to enhancing my educational knowledge before continuing my full-time career as a marketer.

Besides my love and commitment to marketing, I got my minor in photography. Not only has it helped me gain a new perspective of the world, but I have also learned how to create content that appeals to particular groups of people. My photography minor has allowed me to learn about marketing in an educational way outside of the business shell. My experience as a social media photographer taught me how to see content through both the marketers’ and the followers’ eyes. This helped me create, edit, and share specific content for certain demographics. Photography is something I am passionate about, and has been a unique catalyst in my marketing education and career.

I hope my MBA can magnify my skills not just with marketing, but with business as a whole. I greatly anticipate the opportunities that await me post graduation with two degrees and a minor. In the meantime, take a look at what I have done so far and connect with me on LinkedIn to help me along my journey!