
Anjali Shiyamsaran: UX Design

About Me

My name is Anjali Shiyamsaran, and I am currently a fourth year Human-Centered Computing student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Although I am from Rochester, NY, I was born in Toronto, CA, and hold dual citizenship between the United States and Canada. I plan to graduate this May with a bachelor’s degree from the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences School of Information. Following graduation, I hope to begin a full-time opportunity as a user experience designer or researcher. I also hope to pursue a masters degree in human-computer interaction or a related field that will help further my current education. My hobbies include writing for RIT’s Reporter Magazine, where I cover a range of topics that students are passionate about in order to help further my skills in communication and empathy.


I hold co-op experience from a dating startup in New York City called Humhum as its product design intern. During the summer following this internship, I joined Walmart Global Tech as a UX design intern on the Ecommerce Business Services team. From these experiences, I was able to develop my skills in user experience design and research. My career interests also expand into artificial intelligence as well as virtual and augmented reality, and I hope to explore these technologies more through graduate education. My portfolio can be found here:

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