
Taylor Winter: New Media Marketing


My name is Taylor Winter, and I am a 3rd year New Media Marketing major at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I was born and raised in Spencerport, New York, a town just a few minutes away from RIT. Both of my parents went to RIT, as well as my brother. My mom works at RIT, so I spent most of my childhood wandering around campus with my siblings.

During college

I came to college not knowing what I wanted to study, and with so many choices in majors it was a difficult task. When I found New Media Marketing, and saw what I could do after college, it was a clear choice. Finding a major that allows me to be able to market and connect to people on social media was a turning point for me in my life. I have been looking into co-ops for this summer and have a few that I have been looking into specifically. Recently I have started helping with the social media for the RIT Men’s club volleyball team, and it has shown me that I really enjoy doing social media for sports teams.

In The Future

I’ve thought a lot about what kind of job I could see myself doing after graduation. There are many interesting jobs in marketing and social media, but after college I hope to be able to do social media and marketing for a professional sports team.

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