
Simran Singh: MBA Student


My name is Simran Singh, and I am from Queens, NY. I am an MBA student at Rochester Institute of Technology, with a concentration in digital marketing. My undergraduate degrees are in International Studies and Spanish, with a minor in business administration, also from RIT. 

During my undergraduate education, I studied abroad twice: once to RIT Kosovo for a summer, and the other time to Madrid, Spain for a semester where I strengthened my Spanish fluency. 

I currently work two on campus jobs. I work as a graduate assistant for RIT Global Education. I’ve worked with the office as an ambassador, front desk worker, and now as a graduate assistant where I keep track of the course approval and student conduct processes, as well as some other projects. Aside from this, I also work as a tour guide on campus, where I give tours to prospective students and families and help out the Undergraduate Admissions office with projects. 

I am determined to start a career in the digital marketing field where I can utilize my business and technology skills I’ve gained from my master’s program to enhance the platform of an organization that sticks to its ethical values. As a hard of hearing woman of color, I would also like to build a platform and space for women and non-binary people, as well as people with disabilities, in the technology world. 

Feel free to look at my resume and connect with me on LinkedIn below.

“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.”

Frida Kahlo

54 replies on “Simran Singh: MBA Student”

You have embarked an inspiring journey Simran. So proud of you.
Good luck with analytics project .

Super proud of you Simran! Keep on doing great work and wishing you success in all your future endeavors!

Simran , you are an inspiration to many including me. After your accident (She was( 3 ) as per doctors you will not be able to walk straight, partial hearing loss , Bell’s palsy ….
Look how far you have come and still making strides , shining like star , standing tall and supporting others. No one knows your disabilities but Abilities. Road was not easy , you chose the challenges and flowing through like a calm river, making its own ways. You balanced life so well. Many many successes.
You are my humble. Proud of you. You are very special.

You are a well-spoken young professional. I am SO proud of my former student, Simran! Keep up the great work!!

You are an inspiration to all of us. Wish you good luck in your project.
As you know I have been in online advertising for past 7 years, and well versed with Google Analytics. So ping me if you want to chat about it.

Thank you Raman didi! Will definitely pick your brain about it now that I’ll have some experience with it

Proud of you Simran ! You have grown into a loving , caring , professional and intelligent young woman . Keep up the good work. All the best to you.

Hey! Wish we got to know each other more than that social media class! I hope you’re doing well!

Muachi, hey! Thanks for visiting πŸ™‚

If you’re still in ROC I’m sure I’ll see you around!

Well earned accomplishments. Proud of you Simran!! Wish you great success as you embark on your new journey.

Way to go Simran, your hard work will pay off. You are an amazing person with heart of gold. My best wishes are with you. Love you.

You overcame so many obstacles in life to achieve this win. Your perseverance is an inspiration to everyone you meet, and you earned all the rewards coming your way. Congratulations and keep going. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™β™₯️β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

So proud of you Simran and I’m looking forward to your impact on this world. I know you will be an inspiration to others and create a space for everyone in digital marketing. You can change the game I believe in you 100%

I’m very impressed by you and your accomplishments . What I love the most, is your ability to step in and help anyone in need , regardless what it is . I’ll never forget how you escorted me and my friend back to our car during graduation at RIT. I know my daughter is considering you her sister .

Cecelia, thank you so much! That means so much to me coming from you.
Sabrina is definitely my sister – she’s stuck with me whether she likes it or not. πŸ™‚

Hope you and Roberto are doing well! <3

All the best Simran for your future endeavours! Really admire your achievements till now and looking forward to seeing many more accomplishments in future.

So proud of you Simran
Have hung out with you and mom at campus and international travel and you are a wonderful hard working young woman who continue to inspire me
Keep up the great work
Love you

Simran, WOW!!!! you have accomplished so much in such a short time and should be proud. Your work ethics, attention to detail, vision for the future puts you at the top of the mountain. I am super excited to follow you and all the great things yet to come.

Dear Simran Singh,

Well done for choosing the topic ‘Data Over Everything’. Human Civilization was literally built on ‘Data’. Only in the recent times, the world has acknowledged the ‘super significance’ and ‘importance’ of ‘data’.
By inspiring your within, you have certainly come a long way to inspire many individuals around you. Your noble thoughts to ‘build a platform and space for women and non-binary people, as well as people with disabilities, in the technology world’ is truly worthy of greater appreciation.
I wish you all the success in life! Be the light to enlighten the world with your brilliance and sincere efforts!

Wow, you have achieved so much. God. Bless you and may you reach your goals. I know your impact on the world will be Positive. Keep up the great work. May you be successful in any field you choose.

Simiran, I feel very proud to learn about all the accomplishments as your mom mentioned about the accident, But our God is a biggest Doctor and a healer. You are a blessed child . Keep up the good work. God bless you and give you courage and strength to fulfill your dreams . Love you Simiran.

Hey little sis,
Let’s set a time a time to talk about your skills and potential opportunities!

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