
Emma Woerle – Student, Creator, Innovator

Advertising – Public Relations – Marketing

About Me

Currently, I am pursing a degree in Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Marketing at Rochester Institute of Technology. I will graduate in December 2022.

I plan to work in either Advertising or Social Media Marketing and Management for a fashion, beauty or sports brand in New York City.


I am a motivated senior Advertising and Public Relations major seeking an opportunity to apply my academic, marketing, advertising, and social media experience in a challenging environment. While working as a Social Media Specialist for RIT social media, I helped brainstorm, research, write, create, film, and edit social media content for the mothership accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube). In my time at RIT Social Media, I have become much more confident in my ability to manage large social media platforms, familiarized myself with Social Studio, and become a great team member. 

As the Communications intern for Rochester Jr. Americans, an elite youth hockey team, I gather content, edit and upload content on TikTok and Instagram. I managed both the TikTok and Instagram for the girls’ program. I maintain all daily posting and engagement. I curate content throughout the week and post 2-3 times a week, while content is posted to the stories each day. I also work closely with the players to create fun and engaging content from their perspective (takeovers and TikToks). I have helped the account grow 168% since starting in August 2021, and I am excited to see where the account will go this year.

My course work in social media, marketing, advertising, digital design, media planning and public relations writing has given me a strong foundation in both graphic design and social media strategy. Furthermore, I honed my social media and video production skills by building my personal social media platforms on Instagram and YouTube. 

For more information on my background, please visit my website.  

I plan to work in an advertising or marketing agency after graduation in December 2022. Between my hands on experience working as a social media specialist and a communications intern, my course work, my positive attitude, and work ethic, I feel equipped to enter a fast-paced agency environment.  

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