
Hannah Holland: MBA Student

I earned my Bachelors of Science degree in American Sign Language-English Interpretation from RIT in 2015. After graduation, I did a year-long apprenticeship with RIT’s Department of Access Services (DAS), and then earned the unique contract to work a semester abroad in Dubai UAE. This opportunity I can earnestly say was life altering! For starters it was my first time leaving the country- and to go 7,000 miles away for 4 months was quite the adventure. Dubai opened my eyes to the world, and as cliche as it sounds, that’s when I caught the bug for travel and cultural appreciation. Since my work abroad I have since traveled to Mexico, Uruguay, and Argentina- quite the obscure list, but I enjoy my travels most when they are far from the typical American Holiday.

When I returned to the US at the end of my contract in 2017, I started my career as a Staff Interpreter with DAS. I have greatly enjoyed the past several years working in Higher Education; the community at RIT is a place of great diversity and acceptance, and I couldn’t ask for better. However, the longer I work in the interpreting field, the more I feel out of touch with my goals for the future…so I went back to school for my MBA.

I haven’t fully decided where my MBA will take me, but I am open to wherever it may lead and I’m looking forward to the inevitable adventure it will bring.

20 replies on “Hannah Holland: MBA Student”

You have quite a list of accomplishments and a passport with stamps from some very different cultures. I am proud of all you have done, and all you strive to do. I have absolute faith you will reach every goal you set for yourself.

Hannah, quite impressive. I admire all you’ve done and feel it will all contribute to realizing your ultimate goal.

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